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Living Security Blogs

  • Leveraging Human Risk Management for your Career Advancement Securing a promotion in any professional field requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and effective communication of accomplishments. As someone leading Security Awareness and Training, understanding how Human Risk Management (HRM) can aid in this progression is pivotal. There is a great article published by Ruchi Sinha, PhD, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of South Australia Business School, featured in the Harvard Business Review, where she creates a roadmap for earning a promotion in various roles. In this instance we have tailored these insights to focus on the domain of Security Awareness and Training. Read a summary below of the key steps you can take. Or for an in-depth look, download the full white paper here.
  • Empower Security Teams with HRM Orchestration As a global leader in Human Risk Management (HRM), we proudly announce the broadening of our Unify HRM platform with orchestrated response capabilities. This new feature establishes a proactive security loop and lets security teams automatically trigger targeted interventions based on changes in human-related risk. The new workflow automation and orchestration capabilities in the Unify HRM platform empower security teams to respond proactively to evolve human risks at the enterprise scale. The platform uses data from your existing IT security tools for a holistic view of the cyber risks you and your workforce face, focusing on protecting your riskiest employees through personalized training.
  • What is an Attack Surface? And How to Reduce it? In today's digital age, understanding and managing an organization's attack surface is critical to safeguarding against cyber threats. An attack surface encompasses all the possible points where an unauthorized user can try to enter data to or extract data from an environment. Essentially, it's a sum of the organization's security risk exposure, including all vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cyber attackers to gain unauthorized access to systems and data. Reducing this surface is vital for minimizing the potential for breaches, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining customer trust. Effective attack surface management , analysis, and monitoring techniques not only improve security but also enhance overall protection against the evolving landscape of cyber threats, including malware and ransomware attacks. The process involves a detailed assessment of all points of entry that could be exploited by cybercriminals and the implementation of strategies to mitigate these vulnerabilities.


Cybersecurity Quotables

“Education has always been a profit-enabler for individuals and the corporation. Education ... must evolve quickly and radically to keep pace with digital transition. Education is a part of the digital equation.”  ― Stephane Nappo

“If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked."  ― Richard Clarke

“As cyber security leaders, we have to create our message of influence because security is a culture and you need the business to take place and be part of that security culture.” ― Britney Hommertzheim